K.C. - Kennel Club
K.C. stands for Kennel Club
Here you will find, what does K.C. stand for in Veterinary under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Kennel Club? Kennel Club can be abbreviated as K.C. What does K.C. stand for? K.C. stands for Kennel Club. What does Kennel Club mean?Kennel Club is an expansion of K.C.
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Alternative definitions of K.C.
- Kansas City
- Knights of Columbus
- King Crimson
- Knights of Columbus
- Kerry Collins
- Kevin Costner
- Keuka College
View 102 other definitions of K.C. on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- K-BALL cannibalize
- K-BAND 10,900 to 36,000 MCS
- K-CL Potassium Chloride
- K-DODM KSC DOD Plan/Requirement
- K-DPM KSC DOD Payloads Plan/Requirement
- K-DPN KSC DOD Payloads Notice
- K-DPPS KSC DOD Payloads Project Specification
- K-IUSM KSC IUS Plan/Requirement
- K-KILL Catastrophic Kill
- K-MAP Karnaugh map
- K-RESA Kalamazoo Regional Educational Service Agency
- K-SLM KSC Spacelab Plan/Requirement
- K-SLN KSC Spacelab Notice
- K-SLPS KSC Spacelab Project Specification
- K-SM KSC Shuttle Management Document
- K-SPN KSC Shuttle Project Notice
- K-SPS KSC Shuttle Project Specification
- K-SSS KSC Shuttle Project Station Set Specification
- K-STSM KSC STS Plan/Requirement